
Twelve Prophets, Volume 1: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Daily Study Bible Series: 12 Prophets, Volume 1 The complete Daily Study Bible—Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay's popular Daily Study Bible—New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the OT, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay's writing.

called Tarshish (the name designating towns that were built on the activity of mining and smelting). One such Tarshish was in the western Mediterranean, either in the territory that is now Spain, or on the island of Sardinia (where archaeologists have discovered Phoenician inscriptions from the ninth century B.C. bearing the word Tarshish), and it is probably this location that is intended in the story. It is not clear yet, at this point in the story, why Jonah was so immediately and directly disobedient.
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